career and job

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

PT LinkIT 360 Perusahaan IT Konsultan Terbesar Ajak Bergabung

Author: PT LinkIT 360 | Posting By: Ucup_Mardhiono.

IT Konsultan merupakan perusahaan yang menjamur di Indonesia, akan tetapi menurut kamu ya kira - kira aja, perusahaan apa sajakah yang saat kini sedang sangat berkembang pesat di Indonesia? Apakah terlintas dalam benak kamu dengan nama perusahaan PT LinkIT 360? Sesungguhnya memang PT LinkIT 360 merupakan perusahaan terbesar di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang IT Konsultan terbesar dan semakin sukses berkembang sangat pesat di Indonesia. 

Perusahaan IT konsultan yaitu PT LinkIT 360 yang sedang berkembang sangat pesat dalam pengembangan, pembuatan website, dan games aplikasi ini sungguh sangat memiliki potensial untuk terus semakin sukses berkembang sangat pesat. Website yang di bawah naungan PT LinkIT 360 yaitu: Bejubel(dot)(com) <= kamu bisa cek dengan klik Jual Handphone, SMSBlast360(dot)(com) <= kamu bisa cek websitenya dengan klik SMS Masking, dan lainnya.

PT LinkIT 360 Mengundang kamu untuk dapat bekerja meraih kesuksesan bersama - sama, sebagai:

1. PHP Programmer,

2. IT System Admin Linux,

3. Monitoring,

4. UAT,

5. IT Help Desk,

6. Mobile Programmer (Harus Yang Sudah Senior).

Kriteria? Saya rasa kalau memang kamu sesuai bidang yang telah di sebutkan di atas, maka sudah dapat di pastikan kamu akan membutuhkan apa saja mengerjakan bidang - bidang tersebut. Karena, PT LinkIT 360 membutuhkan orang yang sudah profesional sesuai dalam bidangnya dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan juga target.

Kamu ragu? Atau malah timbul perasaan cemas bahwa ini hanyalah iklan untuk branding nama perusahaan? Sebelumnya mohon maaf ya, ini hanyalah blog yang berfungsi sebagai mediasi penyebar Informasi Terbaru mengenai Lowongan Kerja yang berguna membantu kamu mempermudah dapatkan Pekerjaan. 

Berminat untuk kamu bergabung dan maju bersama - sama raih kesuksesan bersama PT LinkIT 360? Kalau memang kamu sungguh - sungguh berminat, silahkan kirimkan CV lengkap dan photo terbaru kamu 3x4 ke email: / /

(Recruitment Officer Anida Noviyanti)

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Kesempatan Besar Untuk Kamu Bekerja Di PT Permata Indonesia

Author: Ucup_Mardhiono

Terlalu pilih - pilih, tidak mau yang gajinya di bawah 2jt, tidak mau yang jaraknya jauh - jauh dari rumah, tidak mau kalau kantornya gak di gedung perkantoran, terus kamu mau kapan kerjanya? Semua itu membutuhkan proses, jadi untuk apa kamu maasih seperti hal yang sudah di sebutkan tadi? Tidak perduli panas, lelah, dan juga kata menyerah, mungkin hal itulah yang termasuk dapat di katakan berjuang untuk mendapatkan kerja. Tapi di blog ini kamu tidak perlu panas - panasan dan kecapean, karena tinggal kirimkan CV lengkap dan poto terbaru kamu, silahkan simak lebih lanjut tentang pekerjaan di PT Permata Indonesia. Jangan ragu ya, karena perusahaan ini merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak perusahaan outsourcing yang ada di Indonesia, tapi hanyalah PT Permata Indonesia yang merupakan perusahaan outsourcing terbesar di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam jasa penyaluran tenaga kerja untuk bidang Bank, Sales Promotion Girl / Sales Promotion Boy (SPG / SPB) untuk di mall - mall besar beken dan event - event besar, Customer Service, dll. Saat ini sedang membutuhkan sangat banyak tenaga kerja untuk bekerja sebagai:

CSE (Creditcard Sales Employer)

Kriteria yang di butuhkan:

- Minimal lulusan SMA, D3, S1, bahkan S2 juga boleh,

- Freshgraduate di perbolehkan apply,

- Memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk bekerja, semangat tinggi, tidak mudah menyerah.

Kenapa,guys? Kamu masih ragu dengan ini perusahaan? Apalagi dengan tawaran jabatannya? Weits, kamu akan rugi deh pastinya kalau tidak mencobanya. Kenapa rugi? Ya karena dengan posisi CSE di Bank - Bank besar di Indonesia, kamu akan mendapatkan bonus yang pastinya akan sangat menguntungkan kamu loh. Ayo, jangan kamu sia - siakan lagi waktu kamu terbuang dengan kelamaan berpikir, buruan kamu siapkan CV lengkap (lamaran, CV, surat keterangan lulus) + photo berwarna 3x4 2 lembar, kirimkan ke:

Recruitment Officer PT Permata Indonesia

021 - 94710131 (Randy Dias)

* Jangan ragu kamu apply Lowongan Pekerjaan itu ya, juga kamu kalau memang hobby belanja online, bisa kunjungi tempat belanja terlengkap dan ternyaman yang berdasarkan kategori: Jual Handphone | Busana Wanita.

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Kabar Duka Cita Tentang Steve Jobs Meninggal

Author: Ucup_Mardhiono

Hari ini merupakan mendadak menjadi hari berduka cita seluruh dunia. Di mulai dari para pemimpin negara sampai lapisan masyarakat anak sekolahan pun berbondong - bondong ucapkan turut berduka cita sebesar - besarnya untuk Steve Jobs Telah Meninggal Dengan Damai. Memang bukanlah hal yang sangat menyenangkan untuk mengabarkan berita duka cita. Apalagi untuk sosok yang merupakan bagi saya bahwa sangat keren dalam menciptakan gadget selalu termutakhir teknologi nya yang pasti menjadi incaran dalam pasar Jual Handphone, yaitu Steve Jobs. Seluruh dunia merasakan bagai di hantam badai luar biasa ketika mendapatkan kabar bahwa Steve Jobs Telah Meninggal Dunia Dengan Damai.  

Steve Jobs Meninggal Dunia Dengan Damai

Kerabat terdekat dari Steve Jobs menyatakan bahwa telah meninggal pada hari Kamis dini hari, 6 Oktober 2011 setelah berjuang selama delapan tahun mengatasi kanker pankreas yang di deritanya. "Steve Jobs telah meninggal dengan damai hari ini di tengah anggota keluarganya," kata - kata tersebut di ungkapkan oleh pihak kerabat terdekatnya. Yang sekejap dalam hitungan menit langsung saja mengalir sangat deras ucapan belasungkawa dari masyarakat dunia. 

Salah satunya yaitu Presiden United States of America turut mengucapkankan rasa kehilangan belasungkawa terdalam melalui akun Twitternya: @BarackObama. “Semoga damai Steve Jobs. Dari kami semua di #Obama2012, terima kasih atas kerja Anda yang membuat segalanya mungkin saban hari, termasuk kepunyaan kami.” Obama walau sudah mengucapkan rasa belasungkawa melalui account Twitternya, tapi tetap membuat pernyataan resminya. Obama bersama Michele menyampaikan secara langsung pernyataan resminya buat keluarga Steve Jobs. "Steve Jobs adalah salah satu inovator terbesar Amerika Serikat." 

Steve Jobs Meninggal

Marck Zuckerberg sang pemilik jejaring sosial raksasa yaitu Facebook pun turut mengucapkan rasa duka mendalamnya melalui dinding akun Facebook pribadinya. “Steve, terima kasih telah menjadi mentor dan teman. Terima kasih telah memperlihatkan bahwa apa yang Anda bangun bisa mengubah dunia. Saya akan merindukan Anda.”

Bahkan sampai pesaing bebuyutan Steve Jobs juga turut menyampaikan rasa duka cita nya, Bill Gates, yang merupakan pendiri sekaligus bos Microsoft, “Steve dan saya bertemu pertama kali hampir 30 tahun lalu, menjadi rekan kerja, pesaing, dan teman selama hampir setengah perjalanan hidup kami.”
Cobalah kamu buka atau, maka perhatikanlah di bawahnya kolom search terdapat tulisan Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011 dan pada tulisan nama Steve Jobs nya terdapat backlink url dofollow ke website Mungkin saja hal tersebut merupakan penghormatan tertinggi dari Sergey Brin dan para pendiri Google lainnya atas duka cita meninggalnya Steve Jobs. Sergey Brin mengungkapkan rasa duka cita terdalamnya dengan berkata, “Steve, semangatmu buat kecemerlangan di rasakan oleh siapa saja yang pernah menggunakan produk - produk Apple (termasuk Macbook yang sedang saya pakai untuk mengetik saat ini).”

Jangankan para pendiri perusahaan raksasa yang sangat merasakan kehilangan atas meninggalnya Steve Jobs, para artis lokal dan luar negeri juga berduka cita, dan sampai para anak SMA di Indonesia juga merasakan kepergian sang maestro dalam dunia gadget seperti yang di ucapkan oleh account Twitter @ZamanSMA.

* Segera kamu cepat - cepat buka layanan SMS Masking, sebarkanlah Informasi Terbaru ini dengan mengklik: SMS Masking. Selain itu, SMS Masking juga berguna untuk kamu bisa berpromosi Jual Handphone ataupun mungkin saja Busana Wanita.

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Perencanaannya Kim Kardashian Akan Menikah Dengan Kris Humphries Mau Lebih Mewah Dari Kate Middleton dan Pangeran William

Author: Ucup_Mardhiono

Bila kamu adalah seorang penggemar ataupun pernah menonton Reality Show Keeping Up with The Kardashians (2007-2010), sudah pastinya sangat mengetahui Kim Kardashian telah mengumumkan pertunangannya dengan pemain basket Kris Humphries pada bulan Mei 2011.

Mengutip femalefirst, Senin (6/6), seorang sumber terdekat Kim mengatakan, "Pernikahan akan terjadi dalam waktu 6-8 minggu. Kim dan Kris melakukan hal yang amat sangat cepat ini dan sedang cepat di lacak." Teman Kim Kardashian yang lainnya juga mengungkapkan, bahwa Kim sangat berharap pernikahannya dapat melampaui dari pengantin Inggris Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton yang menikah di Westminster Abbey, London, Inggris pada April 2011. 

Salah seorang sahabatnya kembali menambahkan, "Kim  telah merencanakan Pernikahan Abad Ini. Dia tidak melihat mengapa pernikahan kerajaan harus mendapat perhatian lebih darinya. Kim justru melihat dirinya sebagai seorang selebriti lebih besar dari Kate Middleton."

Kamu kemungkinan banyak yang menebak - nebak akan seperti apa ya pernikahannya Kim Kardashian dan Kris Humphries? Mungkinkah melebihi kemewahan dan kehebohannya dari pernikahan Kate Middleton dan Pangeran William? Mau semewah ataupun seheboh apa pun, yang pasti semoga saja pernikahan Kim dan Kris dapat berjalan lancar dan pernikahan mereka berdua abadi hingga kematian memisahkan.
* Untuk kamu yang sedang mencari layanan memasang iklan gratis untuk dagangan kamu, di sini nih pusatnya: Toko Online.

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011




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Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

5 Tips on Web Site Building and Web Stats

By Devin Jopp, SCORE COO

The most basic Web site services are free services. These services are easy to use, but limited in the amount of space and bandwidth. They typically also place advertisements on your site to offset their cost.

The next step up are services that charge a monthly fee. In exchange, you get a greater amount of space, bandwidth and no advertisements. All of the domain registrars like Network Solutions and Go Daddy offer Web development solutions.

The next option, building your own Web site, provides the most flexibility. You can either build your own or hire a consultant to do it for you. Once you have selected your domain registrar and hosting company (ISP), you can begin programming your new Web site. Tools like Microsoft Front Page or Macromedia Dreamweaver provide a familiar Windows front-end that automatically generates html code and allows you to click and drag items in order to create your Web site. Or, you can hire a Web design firm to do this for you.

 Get bids for Web site development at Simply post your requirements and wait for the bids to come in, or get estimates from firms in your city.

Analyze your Web traffic and track statistics. Google Analytics offers a free web analytic solution. StatCounter is a free package you access by logging in and copying code into your Web site. You can also buy an off-the-shelf package like Webtrends that is installed on the server and tracks critical stats like the number of visitors, highest ranked pages, etc. Many of the site builder tools mentioned earlier also provide options for tracking Web stats.

Brought to you by SCORE, America's small business mentors, at

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5 Tips for Taking Your Small Business Online

  1. Your product line should be able to be delivered economically and conveniently through the mail or over the Internet.
  2. The Web allows you to market to customers outside your geographical location. Your product should appeal to people nation-or-continent-wide.
  3. Compare new “technology” costs to current bricks and mortar costs, e.g.: rent, labor, inventory and printing costs.
  4. Realize that the World Wide Web levels the playing ground—you can look like a big company with a great Web site. 
  5. Draw visitors to your site cheaply. Establish and grow alliances that will hotlink to your site for free.

Brought to you by SCORE, America's small business mentors, at

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Selasa, 30 November 2010

How to Build Strategic International Relationships

by John Astor

Just learning how to shake hands in career world doesn’t make you culturally aware. A few learned copy-cat mannerisms and a couple opening lines will not put the global executive into the good graces of their regional leaders. It used to be fine, considering the small amount of time that leaders spent abroad. But more and more, as we see top-level local management strategies that have transparent relationships with each other for alignment and success, building relationships that are strong and solid are absolutely essential in today’s highly competitive marketplace.

In Japan, during the 1980’s boom years, foreigners were falling over each other to grab some of the success that Japanese businesses had created. Many managers learned a little bit of the language, how to eat soup, etc., but they missed a great opportunity to build real bonds. Unfortunately, those bonds could have also helped the Japanese businesses during the ‘90’s.

Today, we are in the midst of a series of dynamics such as, rising new economies, immediate access to customers and speed decision making, so creating and nurturing long lasting connections is a must. Maya Hu-Chan of the Global Leadership Development Center so correctly states, ‘In my work with multinational corporations, my global clients have often pointed out that building partnerships is one of the most important competencies for global leaders of the future’.

To develop powerful partnerships and prevent problematic situations, integrate these five pieces of advice.
  • Have a real interest in other cultures and learn about them through food, the arts and music, literature and the areas that give uniqueness to their place the human experience.
  • Build partnerships wherever you go with ease. You never force a friendship. You develop it. Become an open access point of assistance to your host reports, superiors and especially those horizontally. Encourage others to do the same.
  • Listen, Listen, Listen! This may be one of the great challenges for human beings, but it is an essential skill for trust. Don’t just listen with your ears, but apprehend the individual with all of your faculties. Go beyond their special behaviors and reach for what they are trying to communicate.
  • Never be patronizing. This may be very difficult for some cultures that have been taught they are the best. Be careful not to appear paternal or on a higher level than other people. Also pay close attention to how you phrase comments about their culture. This is also true for spouses of expatriates.
  • Get out of your shell. The higher you go up in an organization, the more insulated you become. Mingle with different people with different interests and you will be well prepared to meet the exciting challenges of interacting with all types of personalities from all over the world.

By putting these five points into action will give you a basis for working in all environments and with all cultures. Of course, each culture has unique aspects that give them their own perspectives on business and life, and we are all unique individuals with unique behaviors, but having a real sense of how we can make deeper connections profoundly helps us move forward together.
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Is Groupon The Next Google?#1Wordl

Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job 

By Evan Miller

I met the CEO of Groupon fifteen months ago at ORD Camp. At the time Andrew Mason had six employees, a little bit of angel funding, and a sheepish face when he explained that he was in the coupon business.
Groupon is now a one-billion dollar company with hundreds of employees. How can a two-year-old coupon company be worth a billion dollars?
I don’t have any of their figures, but I thought I’d sketch out a few reasons I think that, if anything, Groupon is severely undervalued. First, the obvious:
  • People love spending money on Groupon. What’s not to love about getting something you can use with your friends for half-price?
  • People love talking about Groupon. I’ve overheard girls on the El train getting excited about the weekend Groupon. Groupon is the H1N1 of virality.
  • Companies love Groupon. I’ve explained the surprising economics of Groupon in a previous post.
  • Groupon has inspired myriad imitators, but none has captured the same magic of Groupon. If Andrew Mason has a secret sauce, he’s not giving away the ingredient list.
So OK, if Groupon starts operating in every city in America and most cities in the world, saving millions of peoples hundreds of dollars each year on sushi, spas, and baseball games, that could be a billion dollar company, right? Call me crazy, but I think a billion is too low. Here’s why I think Groupon will be “the next Google.”
First it helps to understand the current Google. Where does Google make its money, some $20 billion a year in revenue? Casual observers say “search ads.” Sergey calls it “contextually relevant advertising.” Neither description really explains why a single click on a simple text ad can be worth as much $50.

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Careers Article:Careers Advice for Public Relations

Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job 

If you are wondering how a Public Relations Manager, here are some tips and advice on training and started his  jobs in this area of marketing and public relations, and employment prospects in the UK.
WorkPublic relations (PR) officers to promote good relations between an organization and its customers, investors and the general public. His work focuses on creating and maintaining your organization's image and reputation.
You can work as public relations officer in a public utility in local relationships, or as an account executive at a public relations consultant, public relations services for a number of clients.
Typical responsibilities:
* Planning of PR campaigns and strategy* Control of public perception and the media client or organization* Writing and editing of brochures, pamphlets, press releases, speeches, newsletters and web sites* Organize events such as press releases, press conferences, exhibitions, open days and sponsorship* Develop a good working relationship with the media* Provide advertising and promotional films produced* Public speaking presentations, conferences, radio and television interviews* Represent the company or client events.* Public relations is also known as corporate communications, public affairs or media relations, so it can be known by several titles and functions.
Person SpecificationThe main character of public relations managers are:
* Excellent writing skills with the ability to articulate a clear and convincing* Confidence communication and presentation skills* Creativity and initiative* Good organizational, planning and time management* The ability to work well as part of a team and customer number* Flexibility and ability to multi-task* The ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines* Resistance to treat rejection and criticism of their ideas* Accuracy and attention to detail* Interest in media.
How to make a public relations managerThere are no set entry qualifications to become a public relations officer, but the band is a highly competitive industry to enter and many employers prefer to have a diploma.
You may have an advantage with a degree or postgraduate training in public relations. Other useful topics include:journalismadvertising or marketing and communicationsbusiness or managementpsychologyEnglishpolitics.
View the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) for a list of accredited degrees and postgraduate courses in Puerto Rico.
Want a career in public relations has not yet been studied, you may find it useful for the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Advanced Certificate in Public Relations before looking for work.
You will improve your employment prospects by work experience (often unpaid) in the departments of public relations and consulting. You can also experience through activities such as volunteer work with charities or public relations fundraising, or with the participation of student newspapers and societies.
See CIPR and Public Relations Consultants Association websites for advice on finding work experience, and for some practices and the programs of graduate training.
You may be able to close a public relations agency as an administrator or assistant information officer, publicity and promotion of public relations to achieve. It could also enter a second career in PR as its previous experience in journalism, advertising, marketing, fundraising or sales.
Training and DevelopmentTheir training is often at work, possibly through a graduate program of structured training (one of the largest consulting firms, employers).
It can be a benefit to the Chartered Institute of Public Relations to join and work on their professional qualifications are:CIPR Advanced Certificate in Public Relations - suitable for anyone with a maximum of two years experience in a minor role of public relationsCIPR Diploma in Public Relations - a more advanced course for anyone with a PR or graduate degree related to the company and at least one year of experience in public relations or a degree in a subject, plus at least two years experience in public relations.CIPR, visit the Web site for more details about your qualifications, membership and training.
You can also choose to study for Communication Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation (CAM), Diploma in Marketing Communications.
Pay (a rough guide)Starting salaries are usually around £ 15,000 to £ 20,000 per yearWith the experience that can reach between € 20.000 and £ 40.000Account Managers and the Head of Corporate Affairs can earn up to 80,000 pounds and 100,000 pounds per year.
Job prospectsYou could work for a public relations agency and consultancy or home in all types of trading companies, financial authorities, retailers, central and local charities. PR is a growth industry, but competition for jobs is strong.
Jobs are advertised in local newspapers and national magazines, such as PR Week, Press Gazette profile, the website of the CIPR and specialist recruitment agencies. However, not all jobs are advertised, so you could also approach agencies directly, or find work through networking and making contacts in the industry.

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Senin, 29 November 2010

Employment Article : Career Advice for Travel Agent

Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job 

If you are wondering how to become a travel agent, here are some tips and advice on training and started his career in this area of the hospitality industry and tourism, and job employment prospects in the UK.
WorkTravel agents, often referred to as travel agency sales consultants, clients on business trips and leisure to advise, and holidays to sell. They can work in a travel agency high street or in a call center.
Typical responsibilities:
help customers find a suitable tour package or independent travel, itineraries and accommodation planchecking the availability of holidays chosen by phone or computermaking reservations via computerdeposit taking and filling forms bookscontact customers when their tickets, and collecting late paymentsinform customers of any changes, such as flight cancellations, and alternative arrangements.You should also advise customers about passports, travel insurance, visas, vaccinations and additional excursions. You can make refunds or handle complaints, referring serious problems to a manager or tour operator.
Person SpecificationThe most important personal qualities of a good travel agencies include:
the ability to cope with the pressure at peakgood organizational skillsexcellent telephone manner and strong communication skillssales skills, both face to face and telephoneIT Skillsinterest in travel and geography knowledgethe ability to work well as part of a team.
Making a travel agent thatNormally no special requirements are needed, but can be useful if GCSE (AC) in subjects like math, English and Geography. The most important thing is that entrepreneurs who are enthusiastic and have the right personal qualities and skills to the work program. Can be an advantage if you have experience in customer service or sales. You can also find it helps if you are able to speak other languages.
The most common way to enter this race is to find a career job in a travel agency and train on the track. However, it would be a full-time college course before looking for work. This is not essential, but could give an advantage. Relevant courses include:
BTEC first Diploma in Travel and TourismBTEC National Diploma in Travel and TourismBTEC HNC / HND in Travel and Tourism Managementdegrees in travel and tourism.You may be able to enter this work through an apprenticeship. The range of apprenticeships available in your area will depend on the local labor market and the types of skills needed by employers for their workers.
Training and DevelopmentUsually start as travel consultant practice and receive jobs training from your employer. It is likely that this begins with a brief introductory course. Then you can send in more specialist training and educational visits. You can also use the following ratings:
City & Guilds Certificate in Tourism (Travel) levels 2 and 3 (with the support of the Association of British Travel Agents)Level 1 and 2 of airfare tickets and qualifications recognized by the International Air Transport Association (IATA)City & Guilds Certificate in Business Travel in the introduction, the level of consulting, monitoring and management.You can also gain qualifications such as NVQ in customer service or administration.
Once they have been working travel agents for two years, you could recognize their ongoing professional development proposed by the application of Accredited Travel Plan (ATPS) to connect.
Pay (a rough guide)Starting salaries can be around £ 10,000 per year.Experienced sales consultants earn between € 12,000 and £ 18,000 per year.The salaries of senior staff can be £ 30,000 or more.Travel agencies selling consultants often receive a commission based on meeting performance targets. They can also receive discounts on vacation.
Job prospectsCould their employability with branches in the UK. These range from small agencies, independent agencies to large with many branches.

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Employment Article:Tourist Guide Careers Advices

Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job 

If you are wondering how to become a guide, here are some tips and advice on training and started his career in the field of tourism and travel industries, as well as employment prospects in the UK.
Tour guides show visitors around the sites, giving a detailed description of the area and its attractions. Tours can focus on the towns and cities, historic buildings, gardens, religious sites, museums and galleries. Tour guides escort groups around a site, and provide information on aspects such as history, purpose and architecture.
As a guide, can be based on location (for example, a castle or historic house) or the direction of day trips to interesting places or sites, including:
tours for specific interest groups
theme walks.
It could also function as a "driver", where small groups of tourists on guided tours to places of interest in a car or minibus.
Person Specification
The most important personal qualities of a good travel guide or travel are:
interest in working with people of all ages and backgrounds
confidence to speak before groups of people
excellent communication skills and a clear voice
the ability to present information in an interesting way, although repeat visits several times a day
a good memory for facts, figures and facts
an interest in art, history and related subjects such as architecture.
How to create a guidebook for
You do not have a set of skills to train as a tourist guide, but it would be a good level of general education requirements.
It would be an advantage if you have career experience in dealing with different people in different situations, and make presentations. It would also be useful if you can show interest in the arts, history and related subjects such as architecture. It would be helpful if you speak a foreign language fluently, but this is usually not essential when applying for work.
You can take the courses and exams, which are accredited by the Institute of Tourist Guiding. Depending on the type of tour guide you want to do, you can work on titles such as:
Level 2: Fixed Route Comments, interpretation and presentation - paid or volunteers, guide visitors through attractions such as galleries, cathedrals and stately homes, or fixed-route trips, such as boat trips and bus tours open top
Level 3: Green Plate - Route Comment flexible, Heritage Interpretation and Presentation - to work as a guide in areas such as urban and town centers or tourist attractions, historic buildings, heritage
Level 4: Blue Badge Tourist Guide - for all aspects of training.
In some places, such as Westminster Abbey and York Minster, Blue Badge guides are the only guide (other than staff of the house).
The courses are run by local organizations and regional tourism, or for universities and other institutions. Visit the website of the Institute of Tourist Guiding (More Info) for details of local courses accredited. See the Guild of Registered Tourist Guides web page for more information on the regional tourist offices.
Most courses are about 20 weeks, although some may be two years. They are part time, evening lectures and training on the weekend. Blue Badge offers courses in London once a year, but in other areas that are only made when there is a demand for guides.
If you are in a place where the leaders of the house are used can be trained by the site owner.
Training and Development
If a qualified guide must await the development of their skills by participating in training programs organized by professional organizations as the College of Registered Tourist Guides (more information).
As a member of the Institute of Tourist Guiding programs will be able to continuing professional development (CPD) to close. See the Institute website (more information) for details.
You may want to work for NVQ level 2 and 3 in Travel and Tourism.
Pay (a rough guide)
Repayment rates depends on the employer and location. Most tour guides on their own or a fee.
Job prospects
Many self-employed tour guides, working for tour operators and coach companies. employers' organizations from others like the National Trust and English Heritage and owners of tourist attractions and historic buildings.
In some jobs that only works during the summer or part-time work as a guide on the side of another race.

employmentArticle : Chef Careers Advice

Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job 

If you are wondering how to cook or chef, here are some tips and advice on training and start your career in this field of hotel, catering and travel industry, and employment job prospects in the UK.
WorkThe cooks are responsible for preparing food using a variety of cooking techniques. In large kitchens, which normally functions as part of a team responsible for a particular area, such as bread and cakes, or vegetables. The chef, who may also be known as the chef or the maitre kitchen, is responsible for running the entire kitchen.
Typical responsibilities:
planning menusdealing with suppliersbudget managementpersonal organizationmonitoring and maintenance of the quality of food in the kitchen producesmake sure the kitchen works within the relevant health hygiene and safety guidelines.Usually started as a trainee chef (or cook 'commissions' chief'), time spent in each area of the kitchen, getting a wide range of culinary skills and techniques, and learn to care for kitchen equipment and tools.
With experience, you can move to section head (or "chef de partie") and the direction of running a kitchen area. The next step was sous-chef (or under-cooking), which would use the experience he had acquired in each section of the kitchen and implementation of all the kitchen, chef's name when needed.
In smaller kitchens, could also be responsible for cleaning the kitchen and customer service.
Person SpecificationThe most important personal qualities of the good chefs are:
a great interest in eating and cookingthe ability to works under pressurehigh standards of cleanliness and hygienethe ability to handle multiple tasksthe ability to work as part of a teamcreativity and imagination to the presentation of foodgood organizational skillscommunication and leadership skillsthe ability to manage a budget.
How to make a cookYou may not need formal academic training to begin work as apprentices (Commission), chef de cuisine. However, some employers prefer a general quality of education, possibly including some GCSEs (AE) in English and mathematics.
There are courses you can do to help you prepare for work as a cook, including:
GCSE in catering and cateringProfessional Cookery Diploma Level 2 (awarded by City and Guilds and ASET)BTEC National Certificate or Diploma in Hospitality or Hospitality SupervisionBTEC HND in Professional CookeryFoundation degree in Culinary Arts Management.Contact colleges or universities in the course entry requirements.
Some courses include a lot of hands-on cooking experience, which may allow you to launch your career in the kitchen to a higher level (instead of working his way up from commis chef or chef junior).
You may be able to enter this work through an apprenticeship. The range of apprenticeships available in your area will depend on the local labor market and the types of skills needed by employers for their workers.
Training and DevelopmentAs a chef cook student can work on NVQ qualifications, with topics including:
Hospitality Level 1Food Processing and Cooking Level 2Professional kitchen, levels 2 and 3Hospitality Supervision, Level 3.You can develop more advanced skills and help his career studying part-time scores as a foundation degree, BTEC CCC or degree in professional cooking, culinary arts management or hospitality management.
Pay (a rough guide)A student (Commission) chef can earn between € 11,500 and € 15,000 per year.The section chiefs (chefs de partie) can earn approximately £ 17,000.A second head chef (sous-chef can earn up to £ 25.000.Cooks (chefs) can earn around £ 30,000.A chef to cook at an upscale hotel can earn between € 40,000 and € 50,000.
Job prospectsThere are about 250 thousand chefs and cooks in the United Kingdom. People First (Sector Skills Council for hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism) report, there is a huge shortage of qualified chefs.
You could find work in the UK in all fields of industry, including hotels, restaurants, bars and cafes, as well as health education, and the military. Many restaurants in the United Kingdom conducted its own or in partnership, and many are owned and operated by chefs.
With the qualifications and work experience, can become a chef. Opportunities for promotion will be higher in large kitchens. You can go into management or take a train and the restoration or the professional kitchen to learn. You can also opt to have their own contract catering.

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article: Restaurant Manager Career Advices

Career job information for job seekers and find good employment job 

If you are wondering how a restaurant manager should be, here are some tips and advice on training and start your career in this field of hotel, catering and travel industry, and employment prospects in the United Kingdom.
Restaurant and catering service managers are responsible for ensuring that customers are satisfied with the quality of the food and service in restaurants.
As a restaurant manager, you can work in hotels, small independent restaurant or part of a large chain and fast food establishments. Your role would include a front of the house, welcoming restaurant customers and show them to your table.
As catering manager to work in larger restoration activities such as dining rooms for business or factory, hospitals or schools. Do you have less contact with customers of a restaurant manager and spend more time behind the scenes.
Typical responsibilities:
planning menus
advertising vacancies and recruiting staff
ensure that all staff fully trained
keep employees motivated at the highest level of service delivery
organizing shifts and shifts
manage inventory and budgets
act in accordance with strict hygiene, health and safety standards.
Its goal would be the highest standards of customer service and food quality to achieve.
Person Specification
The most important personal qualities of managers of good restaurants include:
tact and diplomacy
the ability to motivate and manage staff
Strong customer service skills
strong communication skills
the ability to remain calm in a crisis
a well organized and planned approach.
How can a manager of a catering
You can start as a trainee manager, for example, a small independent restaurant, if you have a good overall quality of education, including GCSE (AC) in English and mathematics, or a BTEC National Certificate in Hospitality,
It is also possible that your way of working in a restaurant or catering after starting the administrator of a waiter or waitress, cook, assistant service counter or kitchen helper. In these jobs ( career )can be an NVQ in Hospitality, Hospitality experts Services Food and Beverage and out - these qualifications, combined with his experience, you can prepare for a leadership position.
Many hotel chains management program management practices that can result in the restaurant or catering management. fast food chains, restaurants and large catering companies probably a similar system to implement.
To obtain a management trainee program, which often need a degree from a foundation degree BTEC HNC / HND or degree, although some employers will take on with a level or a BTEC national award. Topics such as hospitality management business, culinary arts management, and hotels and restaurants would be particularly useful. Contact colleges and universities for the contact details of the courses.
Training and Development
Once you work as an apprentice director or manager, usually receive training on the job. You can support this program, working on a degree from a Level 3 NVQ in Hospitality Supervision.
If you have graduated with a degree not related to the hospitality, conversion training year BA (Hons) in management of services. With a degree in a relevant subject, you can advance your career through a postgraduate diploma or Masters in Hotel Management.
A restaurant, you are encouraged to apply for a personal license to sell alcohol. In England and Wales, restaurants that serve alcohol are required by law (since 2005) have a business license and a stand named individual (usually the administrator). To request a personal license, must meet four criteria. You should:
at least 18 years
in the last five years, have lost a personal
an accredited licensing qualification (or a person "in the description noted)
not have been convicted of relevant or foreign material.
Three accredited certification bodies provide Level 2 National Certificate Personal Licence Holders qualification, the British Institute of Innkeeping Awarding Body (BIIAB), objective and GQAL).
Pay (a rough guide)
Starting salaries for trainee restaurants or catering managers can be between £ 16,000 and £ 20,000 per year.
With experience, this can lead to about 30,000 pounds.
Job prospects
Many of the restaurants in the UK are owner operated or managed by the owner, in collaboration with a manager. With the support and financial experience, you can configure and run their own restaurant.
As the manager of the restoration, which had vacancies in business, industry, education, health and the military. With the experiences they could launch their own contract catering.

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