career and job

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Five Ways to Stay Focused Through the Holidays

Job Distractions Could Cost You a Bonus
by Roberta Chinsky Matuson, for Yahoo! HotJobs

On the third Thursday of every November, many employees unofficially begin their holiday hiatus, and it's hard for many of us to resist workday dashes to the mall. However, year-end holiday bonuses are right around the corner, and they are based on a full year of company earnings. Why risk a year's worth of performance and bonus pay for a few days of holiday mania?

Follow the five tips below for keeping your focus on the job during the holidays.

Plan for Down Time

You know it's going to happen, so why not plan for it? It's not uncommon for companies to restrict the number of employees eligible to take vacation at the same time. If you are one of those people who celebrate the holidays in a big way, then sign up for time off during the holidays as soon as the vacation schedule hits your desk.

Suggest a New Employee Benefit

Employers are constantly looking for ways to improve their benefit packages without spending a lot of money. Suggest to your employer that they offer all employees one two-hour lunch during the holiday season. If you need to, remind them most employees are taking the time anyway. This new benefit will be well received by employees and will allow the company to cut down on unexpected absences or tardiness.

Resist Taking on New Projects

By the time the end of the year rolls around, most people are giving all they have just to finish what's already on their plate. Adding a new project to an already full plate can easily send you over the edge. Hold off on starting new initiatives until after the first of the year. You will return from your hiatus refreshed and ready to go.

Don't Skip the Gym

Seasonal stress comes with the territory. Customers expect deadlines to be met, even when they are out of the office preparing for the holidays. You can kick back a bit, but this is not the time to go into slow motion. Maintaining your regular workout routine can help keep your energy level up and your weight gain down.

Shift Outside Commitments

Is your December calendar filled with social events while your January calendar remains empty? Are you spending hours in traffic trying to keep all of your social commitments? How about a new tradition? Shift a few gatherings to January and February so you can avoid constantly leaving work early during the end-of-year crunch.

Now that you know how to stay on task during the holidays you can relax knowing that you've done all you can to preserve your performance and year-end bonus!

Copyright 2007 Human Resource Solutions. All rights reserved.

Roberta Chinsky Matuson is the president of Human Resource Solutions ( and has been helping companies align their people assets with their business goals. She is considered an expert in generational workforce issues. You can reach her at

Jobs Info , Career Sources , Employment

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