career and job

Selasa, 09 November 2010

Some Effective Tips About How To Save Money

Author: Steve Loanesco

Indonesia Job - Saving money is not just about finding a bargain and paying less for an item. This "saving" will only help you if you then set aside the money you "saved" and keep it till later. Saving money is to be able to put money away, ideally where you cannot access it easily, so that it's there to be used at a later time. - Job Vacancy

A study by economists found that income did not relate into volume of savings on retirement, and that low income earners were frequently able to have better savings on retirement than middle income earners. The study came to the conclusion that "persons with minimal savings on the eve of retirement have simply preferred to save less and spend more over their lifetimes.

Saving money is a decision; you choose to spend less than you earn and save the difference. Earning money is only half of the equation; we should find out how to control the money we earn and realize that not all money earned is for instant spending.

The first decision you must make is to save some of your earnings. To work out how much you can save, you first need to take the time to work out what your monthly bills total, how much is needed for the regular repeat costs like mortgage, utilities, insurances, vehicle costs etc. Work out a monthly cost by dividing the annual amount by twelve.

When you have a total monthly expenditure, compare it against your regular monthly earnings. If you are like the majority of people who do this exercise, you will now have to look for ways to reduce your expenditure to bring it in below your earnings. Consider things like credit cards, entertainment, eating out, fast food, vehicle expenses and clothing

Unless you take the time to explore the best ways to save money now, you will have to face the consequences of over-spending at some time down the track. Bite the bullet now and put yourself in a better financial position for the rest of your life. - Lowongan Kerja

Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

Author: Lyn Bell

Job Vacancy - When your budget is stretched you need to take control of your spending. Here are some ways to save money on a tight budget. Remember that the important thing is not how much you earn but how much you save and how you spend. - Indonesia Job
Going to the supermarket can be irresistible for unplanned spending. It is one of the major places to use more money than you intend. Be conscious about this fact and make yourself some simple rules.
  • Start by allocating a set sum for groceries every month in your budget.
  • Shop for groceries only once a week and do not be tempted to pop in every day. You'll invariably end up with more than the carton of milk you dropped in for.
  • Plan your shopping by taking a list of the items you need. Make a note of the usual price of the items and add these up to indicate how much you will be spending.
  • Only shop when you have eaten and not when you are hungry. If you are hungry you will end up with more food in your trolley than you need.
  • Scour the specials and cut out coupons. Make you list using the weekly special publication.
  • Take cash to cover your bill rather than placing it on the credit card.
Develop a checklist to make sure your effort to cut costs on your bills is actually working.
Power Bill
  • Electricity bills can be lowered by simple things such as switching off appliances that are not in use.
  • Check other providers to see if you can get a better rate for the use of your power.
  • Switch off lights in rooms you are not using.
  • Use energy-saving light bulbs.
  • Insulating your home may be an expense at the start but will have an ongoing benefit of decreased electricity bills and providing a warm home.
Phone Bill
  • Using the internet for online chats and sending emails helps you to stay in touch without having huge bills to talk on the phone.
  • Use Skype to call friends who are also on the internet for free. You can also pay for calls to landlines at inexpensive rates.
  • Ask your telephone provider if they have special deals that will cut the cost of calls.
Water Bill
  • Even if you don't pay for water usage this applies. Attend to any dripping tap as this is a waste of water.
You may think of many more ideas but these are some of the ways you can save money on a tight budget. - Lowongan Kerja

Pekerjaan Sesuai Tipe Kepribadian


Indonesia Job - Berdasarkan teori John Holland, seperti dijelaskan dalam situs Career Key, umumnya manusia dibedakan dalam 6 tipe kepribadian yaitu Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Enterprising dan Conventional. - Job Vacancy.

1. Tipe Realistik digambarkan sebagai orang yang memiliki skill bekerja dengan mesin, alat atau binatang. Umumnya menghindari aktivitas sosial seperti mengajar, penyembuhan dan penyuluh. Orang dengan tipe kepribadian seperti ini biasanya melihat diri mereka sebagai pribadi yang praktis, mekanis dan realistis. Contoh pekerjaan dalam lingkup ini adalah engineer, pilot atau petugas polisi.
2. Tipe investigative diuraikan sebagai orang yang gemar dan pandai memecahkan masalah. Mereka biasanya menghindari pekerjaan yang sifatnya memimpin, menjual atau memersuasi orang lain. Tipe ini melihat dirinya sebagai seorang yang presisi, scientific dan intelektual. Contohnya ahli kimia, dokter gigi, physician, ahli matematik.
3. Tipe Artistik suka melakukan aktivitas seni, drama, keterampilan tangan, menulis sastra. Umumnya, tipe ini menghindari aktivitas yang rutin, berulang serta pekerjaan yang sifatnya highly ordered. Tipe ini melihat dirinya sebagai pribadi yang ekspresif, orisinal dan independen. Contohnya, desainer pakaian, penari, komposer, editor buku, dan graphic designer.
4. Tipe Sosial suka menolong sesama serta pandai melakukan kegiatan seperti mengajar, konseling, merawat atau memberi informasi. Mereka biasanya menghindari pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan mesin, alat atau binatang untuk mencapai suatu maksud. Tipe ini melihat dirinya sebagai pribadi yang suka menolong, bersahabat dan bisa dipercaya. Contohnya guru, konselor, perawat, pekerja sosial.
5. Tipe Enterprising suka memimpin, memengaruhi orang lain dan menjual gagasan. Umumnya menghindari aktivitas yang membutuhkan observasi mendalam dan pemikiran analitis. Tipe ini melihat dirinya sebagai pribadi yang enerjik, ambisius dan bisa bersosialisasi. Contohnya, sales, agen real estate, pengacara, hakim, manajer hotel.
6. Tipe Conventional suka bekerja dengan angka-angka, berkas-berkas dan segala yang serbateratur. Menghindari aktivitas yang tidak terstruktur dan “tidak jelas”. Tipe ini melihat dirinya sebagai pribadi yang teratur dan mengikuti sistem yang sudah baku. Contoh, sekretaris, teller bank. - Lowongan Kerja.
Nah, Anda termasuk tipe yang mana? (kompas)